Various Exhibitions

“Regular Insanity” at Akbanksanat, Istanbul, 20.11.2019 – 11.01.2020

Düzenli Delilik, farklı birçok alan ve disiplinden çağdaş sanatçıların yer aldığı uluslararası bir karma sergidir. Sergi, içinde bulunduğumuz sözde bilgi çağında bize sayısız ekran ve medya kanallarıyla ulaşan bilgi kavramını gözden geçiriyor. Sergi, çoğulcu ve bütünsel bir bilgi anlayışı ortaya koyarken, bilinen entelektüel hegemonyayı sorguluyor.

İçinde yaşadığımız dünyada alternatif görüşler üretmek için gerçeklikle baş etmenin alışılmadık yollarını değerlendiren Düzenli Delilik, ayrıca bilmeme ve bilinmemenin ne anlama geldiğinin altını çiziyor. Akbank Sanat’ta düzenlenen sergi, son derece vahşi ve çılgınca dönen dünyamızda soru sormanın ve bilinenin ötesine geçmenin, cevapları ve nihai sonuçları aramaktan daha anlamlı olduğunu ortaya koyuyor.

Sanatçılar: Ana Adamovic, Anna Fausshauer, Basim Magdy, Buğra Erol, Fischli and Weiss, Joseph Beuys, Kerem Ozan Bayraktar, Komet, Lars Breuer, Nasan Tur, Özlem Günyol – Mustafa Kunt, Marcus Popp (Oval), Robert Barta, Rudolf Reiber, Serhat Kiraz, Thomas Baldischwyler, Yeşim Uzunöz

Please scroll down for the exhibition’s concept text

Anna Fausshauer, Özlem Günyol & Mustafa Kunt

Lars Breuer, Serhat Kiraz
Serhat Kiraz, Lars Breuer

Komet, Basim Magdy, Yeşim Uzunöz, Joseph Beuys
Markus Pop (Oval), Thomas Baldischwyler, Komet


Regular Insanity

An Exhibition about Reality and other Nonsenses

Regular Insanity is an international group exhibition of contemporary artists from various fields and disciplines at Akbanksanat in Istanbul. The show reviews the concept of knowledge in our so-called information age, where most known is mediated through uncountable screens and media channels. While exposing a pluralist and holistic understanding of knowledge, the exhibition questions given intellectual hegemonies.

Valuing unorthodox ways of dealing with reality for formulating alternative insights in the world we live in, Regular Insanity also underlines the meaning of not-knowing and un-knowing. The exhibition at Akbanksanat exposes that in our so drastically wild and crazy spinning world, raising questions and going beyond the known is more relevant than looking for answers and final conclusions.

Following the concept of Informal Knowledge (Michael Polanyi), Regular Insanity criticizes the insufficiency of objectivist and rationalist knowledge and reveals the importance of holistic worldviews. Today, after all absolute knowledge has vanished, truth is only valid in temporary cultural groups with certain social agreements. Despite common mediatic populism, overwhelming post-truth propaganda and widely spread superficial eclecticism, artists have never given up to critically question given and achievable reality constructions. Regular Insanity reflects on this by presenting artists that question knowledge-based concepts of identity and history, as well as nationalism and geopolitics. The exhibited positions go beyond the known in order to propose alternative ways of a knowledge production that is not afraid to sometimes even draw on absurdness and nonsense in order to be able to cope with the craziness of our time. 

Marcus Graf

Artists: Ana Adamovic, Anna Fausshauer, Basim Magdy, Buğra Erol, Fischli and Weiss, Joseph Beuys, Kerem Ozan Bayraktar, Komet, Lars Breuer, Nasan Tur, Özlem Günyol – Mustafa Kunt, Marcus Popp (Oval), Robert Barta, Rudolf Reiber, Serhat Kiraz, Thomas Baldischwyler, Yeşim Uzunöz

Akbanksanat Exhibition Link (April, 2020)

Exhibition Catalogue PDF Download (April, 2020)

By Marcus Graf

Prof. Dr. for Art History at Yeditepe University, Art Writer and Curator in Istanbul.

4 replies on ““Regular Insanity” at Akbanksanat, Istanbul, 20.11.2019 – 11.01.2020”

Hello, thank you for your comment.
There are a lot of webpages around, but the Khan Academy is always one of my favorites when it comes to art mediation.
Best wishes,

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